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La Récolte October Newsletter

In this issue

Introducing Marita from WPC

New Spring Entrance

Gedigs Hoekie: Ek praat

Chefs Corner: Benoffee Pie

Just for Gags

Embracing a new Beginning

Thriving Alone

Health talk: Exercise for Seniors

Introducing Marietha Swart from WPC

Meet Marietha Swart from Western Province Catering, the dedicated leader responsible for overseeing the culinary operations at La Récolte.

With a profound passion for food and a genuine love for connecting with people, Marietha brings a unique warmth to her role. Growing up, Marietha spent countless hours in her mother's kitchen, which ignited her lifelong love affair with food and led her to pursue a career in hospitality.

From the moment Marietha stepped into La Récolte, she felt an sense of welcome and has formed a genuine affection for our residents. Beyond her professional life, Marietha calls Kuilsriver home, where she resides with her partner and their children Max and daughter Luna. When not overseeing the kitchen, she can often be found tending to her garden or engrossed in a good book.

In parting, Marietha leaves us with a simple yet profound piece of advice:

"Love your heart, eat smart." It's a sentiment that underscores the importance of mindful nutrition and self-care.


New Spring Entrance

The entrance garden at La Récolte has been rejuvenated for spring, radiating a warm and inviting atmosphere. We extend our sincere thanks to Ian Hepburn, Maggie Joubert, and their dedicated team for enhancing our entrance.


Gedigs Hoekie: Ek praat

Ek praat met myself met mense, lank lank gelede wat deel was van my lewe

Nou is daar leemtes wat die stiltes vul en dan - ander stap in en ons deel en lag en soms huil ons saam en dra mekaar se vreugdes en leed en so word ons een

Wat 'n voorreg om vriende en familie te hê, wat 'n vreugde om saam te wees as ons ook ons Heer en Skepper met mekaar kan deel

Dit maak die leemtes vol en vul dit met vreugde onbeskryflik groot.

Digter: Maggie Joubert

Chefs Corner:

Banoffee Pie

  • 250g Marie biscuits, crushed to crumbs

  • 100g butter, melted

  • 1 tin Carnation Caramel

  • 4 small bananas, chopped

  • 300ml whipping cream, whipped to soft peaks

  • 75g sprinkle dark chocolate, grated to decorate

  • Tip the biscuit crumbs into a bowl.

  • Add the butter and mix well, then press into the base and sides of a 23cm tart tin.

  • Chill for 10 minutes.

  • Gently spread the caramel over the base.

  • Place the bananas over the caramel.

  • Spoon the cream over the bananas and finish with grated chocolate.

  • Chill until ready to serve


Just for Gags

Someone asked an old man- “Sir, even after 70 years of age, you still call your wife honey, darling, sweetheart… what’s the secret behind that?

The old man replied- “Shortly after I married her, I forgot her name and I am scared to ask.”

A boy asked his dad – “Dad, what’s the difference between confident and confidential,

the dad replied“You are my son, I am confident about that.

Your friend over there is also my son but that is confidential”


Embracing a New Beginnings

Relocating to a new home in our 20s or 30s often carries an air of excitement and adventure, spurred by fresh opportunities like a new job or relationship.

However, for older adults who have cherished their homes for decades, especially those navigating memory challenges linked to Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia, the prospect of moving to a senior living community can appear more daunting.

Yet, with the right support and approach, this transition can be an enriching and positive chapter in life.

While the circumstances of each resident are unique, we've identified invaluable steps that can facilitate a seamless adjustment for your loved one as they settle into their new home:

  • Grant Yourself Time: Transitioning to senior living signifies a significant change. It's essential to allow both yourself and your loved one the time needed to adapt to this new phase of life.

  • Explore the Activity Calendar: At La Récolte, a vibrant tapestry of activities awaits. Delve into the activity calendar with your loved one to discover events that align with their interests and hobbies.

  • Forge a Routine: Routines provide a comforting structure in a new environment. Collaborate with your loved one to establish a daily routine.

  • Cultivate Neighbourly Bonds: The journey becomes more fulfilling when shared with others. Encourage your loved one to extend a friendly hand to their neighbours.

  • Welcome Family and Friends: The embrace of family and friends can work wonders in making the new home feel warm and familiar. Extend invitations to loved ones, encouraging them to visit and partake in the various activities and events.

Transitioning to La Récolte marks a significant moment of transformation, where comfort and companionship
await at every corner.

Thriving Alone

Human existence thrives on social interaction—a fundamental aspect of our psyche. Neglecting this need can lead to mental health issues, like depression.

At La Recolte, we understand the challenges senior residents face regarding loneliness. Factors like personal choices and life events contribute to isolation.

However, living alone after 60 doesn't have to mean loneliness.

Alone ≠ Lonely

Distinguishing between being alone and feeling lonely is crucial.

Being alone means enjoying your space, which is okay. Loneliness, however, stems from lacking connections. It's possible to cherish your own company while maintaining emotional fulfillment.

Conquering Loneliness: Practical Tips

For those grappling with loneliness, take action to regain vitality. Here are strategies to manage loneliness and cultivate a vibrant life:

  • Identify Triggers: Recognize what triggers loneliness—be it a song or day of the week. Counter these moments with positive activities.

  • Rediscover Passions: Revisit hobbies you once enjoyed—golfing, cycling, etc.

  • Nourish Your Body: A balanced diet contributes to a brighter mood.

  • Mental Stimulation: Engage in puzzles or brain games. Mental agility combats loneliness.

  • Physical Activity: Walk, exercise with friends, or join a class for a mood boost.

  • Furry Companionship: Pets provide comfort. While not human, they offer solace.

  • Prioritize Sleep: Restful sleep transforms perspective. Cultivate healthy sleep habits.

  • Social Engagement: Engage in the many social activities La Récolte has to offer.


Aging has challenges, but loneliness needn't be one.

Acknowledge the difference between alone and lonely.

Embrace solitude for self-discovery, passion revival, and meaningful connections.

La Récolte offers a life woven with joy and shared moments—cherished even when alone.


Health Talk:

Exercise for Seniors

At La Récolte, our residents wellbeing is our top priority.

Our gym caters to all, from beginners to fitness enthusiasts, promoting physical health, relaxation, and social connections. Regular exercise is crucial for seniors, enhancing mobility and quality of life.

Our exercise machines are specifically chosen and equipped to the unique needs and health considerations of senior citizens, providing a comprehensive and safe workout experience.

Equipment includes:
  • Yoga Balls: Improve balance and flexibility

  • Dumbbells: Strengthen muscles and support joints.

  • Treadmills: Encourage cardiovascular health and aid in weight management.

  • Elliptical Machine: Provide a low-impact full-body workout, enhancing endurance and coordination.

  • Stationary Bicycle: Promote joint-friendly cardiovascular exercise, strengthen legs, and reduce heart-related risks.

  • Aerobic Steps: Enhance cardiovascular fitness and aid in weight management.

Our personal trainer is ready to guide you.

Book with Donavan Jacobs at 072 467 1554.

"The best day to start exercising is today.
Tomorrow can turn into weeks, months or years.”
Next Edition>>
  • Resident of the month

  • Just for Gags

  • Health Talk

  • Chefs Corner

  • Arts and Crafts

La Récolte
Retirement Village

44 Basalt St, Ridgeworth, Cape Town, 7530

Contact: 021 933 4151 or email:


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